Create a Neat Q&A for your Customers
All these questions have been created with a shortcode. It’s quite easy Refer to the Documentation for the codes and more. Massa massa non aliquet arcu massa sed sed ridiculus tempor vut, ridiculus in scelerisque sociis massa non aliquet arcu massa sed sed ridiculus tempor vut, ridiculus in scelerisque sociis
+ I uploaded this theme and I am getting a ‘stylesheet missing’?
You need to unzip the file first and upload the uncompressed version via a FTP program like FileZilla.
+ How much does this theme cost and where can I get it?
This theme can be found on ThemeForest and is available at a great price.
+ How many custom post types come with the theme?
There are many custom post types that come with this theme. Many common things like Featured sliders (2), Testimonials, Employees/staff, Products, Portfolio Items.
+ Another question about something?
Enim scelerisque a dapibus tincidunt sit cursus elementum ac adipiscing ac cum? Ridiculus porttitor, pulvinar. Massa massa non aliquet arcu massa sed sed ridiculus tempor vut, ridiculus in scelerisque sociis turpis urna, porttito
+ Some other customer concern
You need to unzip the file first and upload the uncompressed version via a FTP program like FileZilla. Scelerisque penatibus sit pulvinar habitasse elit turpis turpis tincidunt dolor sociis etiam augue sit elementum cum. Enim scelerisque a dapibus tincidunt sit cursus elementum ac adipiscing ac cum? Ridiculus porttitor, pulvinar. Massa massa non aliquet arcu massa sed sed ridiculus tempor vut, ridiculus in scelerisque sociis turpis urna, porttito